Granny Smith Apple and fried Foie Gras,
Balsamic Vinegar Caramel, Morvan Gingerbread

Recipe by Jean-Luc Millet, ‘Toque Nivernaise’
To be enjoyed with a Pouilly Fumé Gemme de Feu.

Ingredients - Serves 4

4 granny apples

2 duck liver lobes

Salt, ground pepper

6 gingerbread slices

100 gr clear butter

1 litre balsamic vinegar

Cut the granny apples into 3 parts, leave the stalk on the top part, core the rest. In a non-stick frying pan, put the granny apples with the clear butter until they turn golden brown. Finish by baking (do not overcook).

Dip your cutting knife into hot water and slice the foie gras lobes nicely. Allow to set and cool in the fridge.

Bake 4 gingerbread slices until dry (oven at 150° C)… let them cool and mix them with a blender. Collect the gingerbread crumbs and set aside on a plate.

Take the foie gras lobes out of the fridge and flatten them to turn them even. With a knife, score the foie gras surface as to make a check pattern. Crumble the gingerbread over the foie gras lobes and set and cool in the fridge.

Cooking the foie gras
Heat a non-stick frying-pan, put in the crumbled foie gras slices and cook gently (1 mn per side), remove and drain on a plate lined with a paper towel. Season with salt and ground pepper.

Keep the cooking fat aside to pour on the apples when served.

Reduce the balsamic vinegar into a syrup. Dice the 2 remaining gingerbread slices.

In an oven-dish, lay the bottom part of the apple, one slice of foie gras and repeat. Bake for 2 mn at very hot temperature. Take out of the oven and display on a plate. Pour the balsamic vinegar and the duck fat onto it and top with the diced gingerbread. Serve straightaway.

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